What we do
- Wetlands
- Water Courses
- Buffer Zones
Terra Firma Consultants can provide all your environmental, wetland, and watercourse permit requirements in a timely and efficient manner.
QP Professionals at Terra Firma Consultants are certified to perform:
If you wish to develop a piece of land containing a wetland or watercourse, you may be impacted. The Nova Scotia Department of Environment has strict rules concerning wetlands and watercourses with a new policy of no net loss of wetland.
There are also specific guidelines for crossing a watercourse. If your land is in Halifax Regional Municipality, you are probably affected by the "Buffer Zone Site Assessment" regulation, which restricts development within 20 metres of a watercourse or wetland.
If you suspect a wetland is on the property, and you are anticipating developing it, call us to find out if it really is a wetland or not. Wetland determinations are conducted between June 1 and September 30 of each year.
If it is a wetland, delineation is required before any development can take place. We can do this for you but advance notice is necessary.
Crossing water courses usually requires a permit. If your development plan includes a watercourse, call us. We can identify its boundaries and acquire the necessary permits to cross properly.
If a brook or stream has to be crossed we can design the specifications for the installation of a culvert. The culvert design must be approved by the Department of Environment before they will issue a Watercourse Alteration Permit. We do the field work, calculations, paperwork submission, inspections throughout the installation and follow-up information to the Department.
If you are building in Halifax Regional Municipality near a watercourse or wetland, a Buffer Zone Site Assessment is required. We can do this for you. To learn more: